教育经历:2009.09~2013.07 四川大学 水利工程专业 本科
2013.09~2019.12 四川大学 水力学及河流动力学 硕博连读
2017.12~2018.12 意大利那不勒斯费德里克二世大学资源与环境学院 国家公派联合培养博士
Yangming Ou, Ran Li, Youcai Tuo, Jinlan Niu, Jingjie Feng, Xunchi Pu. The Promotion Effect of Aeration on the Dissipation of Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gas [J]. Ecological Engineering. 2016, 95:247-251.
Yangming Ou, Ran Li, Ben R. Hodges, Jingjie Feng, Xunchi Pu. Impact of Temperature on the Dissipation Process of Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gas in Flowing Water [J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2016, 6 (25): 1927-1934.
Yangming Ou, Ran Li, Ruifeng Liang. Experimental study on the impact of NaCl concentration on the flocculating settling of fine sediment in static water [J]. Procedia Engineering. 2016, 154:529-535.
Xia Shen, Shengyun Liu, Ran Li, Yangming Ou. Experimental study on the impact of temperature on the dissipation process of supersaturated total dissolved gas [J]. Journal of Environmental Science, 2014, 26(9):1874-1878.
Juping Huang, Weiyang Zhao, Zhe Li, Yangming Ou, Lu Lin. Estimation of CO2 emission in reservoir coupling floating chamber and thin boundary layer methods [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 811: 151438.